Basic Joy

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This arvo

We are consistently charmed by the Aussie tendency to make nicknames out of pretty much everything (Recently I learned these kinds of nicknames are called hypocoristics and Australia has a whopping 4000+.) We're especially delighted when we run across a new one we can add to our list. 

The slang turns up everywhere but usually in small doses. One day I was waiting to be seated at a restaurant next to a group of well-dressed, middle-aged business men. We had all been there a while and I overhead them discuss whether to go check about their place on the list. None of them batted an eye or snickered when one of the more macho-looking guys said "I'll just go have a lookie-lou."​ Not "take a look" or "check it out" or even a "look-see." A lookie-lou.

Here are just a few of our favorite Australianisms:
​McDonalds = maccas (this ad clip demonstrates a few in one big slang fest)
​sunglasses = sunnies
​afternoon = arvo
​breakfast = brekkie
​intermission break = smokie
​tradesmen = tradies
​mosquitoes = mozzies
​swimsuit = cozzie (for swimming costume, I think)
​Salvation Army = salvo's
​argument = argie bargie (one of my favorites...we almost named the big old 1999 Landcruiser that we bought here The Argie Bargie.)
​ambulance = ambo
​biscuit/cookie = bikkie
​lipstick = lippy
​university = uni
​relative = rellie or relo

Any name is also fair game to be shortened or Aussie-ized. Steve becomes Steve-o, ​Gordon to Gordo, etc. Yup, with a name like ours it's only a matter of time before we're called...the Waddies. Oh, well.