Basic Joy

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This and that

We are on fall holidays here for the next two weeks so we all woke a bit later today to the heavy, sad news about the explosions in our home city, Boston. ​Oddly, it makes me want to be there and participate in the healing and coming together that is already happening. 10,000 miles is a long way away but even so, I gave extra tight hugs to my kids this morning. We're just heartsick about it but glad to hear from friends who are safe.

​Pixely but happy phone photo

This last weekend was general conference weekend in Australia. It's delayed a week here since we're a day ahead and so the live feed doesn't work out. We spent a lot of time sprawled out on the family room floor, taking notes and napping and grazing on good food and inspiration. (We've also lately been watching seasons of West Wing together...we treat it as a little dose of American civics education that they're missing at their Aussie schools.)

Lauren arrives home on Saturday from India. I think she's loved every single minute of it but it's good timing, since she also reports feeling the tiniest bit trunky. My mama heart is so grateful for her safety and ​for the close kinship she's developed with her housemates there. And we're thrilled that we get to keep her here until August--the five of us, together for a few months! 

Our first weeks of Nest & Launch have been really fun and gratifying. Thank you to all of you who have clicked over to check us out. I'll be back here more often now that we've got a routine down and things are rolling over there--I post Mondays and Wednesdays and alternating Fridays and Sarah does Tuesdays and Thursdays and the other Fridays.​ She did a terrific interview with Cathy Zielske that brought some (thousands of!) new visitors over the last week. We've got some good plans brewing for future posts and interviews and guest posts (and if you ever have an idea for writing a guest post there, drop me an email!) We really feel passionate about creating an online neighborhood for parents of older kids and teens. Viva las mid-stage parents!  

That's about it for now. Sam's practicing the piano (he has a lesson later this afternoon) and Maddy's about to leave to meet friends for a movie matinee. Life goes on in its lovely, heartbreaking, exquisite way.​