Basic Joy

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Working on: A study of parental engagement in high school learning in the Australian Capital Territory--interviewing principals, teachers and parents this month.

Reading/just read: Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic, The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything (James Martin), Last Bus to Wisdom (Ivan Doig), After You (Jojo Moyes), 2 Nephi

Listening: Take Care (by Beach House) - Eddie Vedder's ukulele songs - She Used to be Mine (Sara Bareilles) - Hello (Adele) - pretty much my whole Turntable 3 playlist on Spotify

Trying: snapchat, making a real breakfast in the morning, 

Looking forward to: Thanksgiving, my brother Chris's visit next month,  Maddy & Lauren coming home for Christmas

Loving: the spring sunsets in Canberra, the loud crickets in the evening, cozy evenings together at home, random daily photos + texts from my kids

Celebrating: getting my official Tufts PhD diploma in the mail!