I love coming upon my kids' art--usually creative bursts that explode in paper form all over the house and then are left behind for the next, new thing. Lately Sam has been doing a series of designy poster-like sheets with smooshed up letters. He did a Thanksgiving one, a couple of other phrases, and this ^ alphabet one. Pretty awesome, methinks.
Another found treasure was completely unexpected this weekend. L's friend was invited to play percussion in the local symphony and she wanted to go support him. Sam and I tagged along and it was so delightful! We were barely aware of what the program would be: Lemony Snicket and the composer Nathaniel Stookey teamed up a couple of years ago to write The Composer is Dead. It was hilarious. Intended to introduce young people to the instruments of the orchestra (like Peter and the Wolf, for example) it revolved around the very Lemony narration of a murder mystery investigating who killed the composer. If it ever shows up in your neighborhood, it's not to be missed. You can also check it out in book + cd form (a great gift idea for kids).
Bonus: (oh the joys of YouTube!) here's footage of Lemony Snicket/Daniel Handler giving his high school graduation speech. You can tell he had that wicked sarcastic humor very early on...and was apparently well loved for it.